Issued at: 7am Monday 24th March 2025
Present Weather: Cloudy skies with showers
Winds: A moderate breeze of 17mph from East northeast
Temperature: 25°C / 76°F
Sea Level Pressure: 1018.9mbs or 30.09”
Sunrise: Tom: 6:11 am
Sunset: Today: 6:23 pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow
Winds: East at 12 to 20 mph, with gusts up to 31 mph.
Seas: 1.2 to 2.1 metres or 4 to 7 feet, small craft operators should exercise caution.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Weather today: Partly sunny with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of showers. Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of showers.
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Across the Eastern Caribbean, we can expect fair to partly cloudy skies in general with a moderate chance of brief passing showers. A moderate to fresh wind will continue to prevail across the region and transport shallow low level patches over the area occasionally during the next 24 hours.