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The University of Virginia (UVA) in collaboration with NDMD, administered First Aid to simulated injured students and gave lectures at the Charlestown Primary School during an announced earthquake drill. This... read more →
By Esther Thompson Look out! Look out! There is a train coming through One filled with knowledge just for you. Hop on board and garner knowledge for life Bring along... read more →
The Nevis Disaster Management Department has launched it's 12 Month Multi-Hazard School Based Campaign. The campaign starts with preparedness messages targeted towards earthquakes in collaboration with the Charlestown Primary... read more →
This is an overview of the campaign that has been launched by the Nevis Disaster Management Department in spreading awareness on 11 hazards and preparing the public for... read more →
As the Nevis Disaster Management launches its 12 Month Multi-hazard school based campaign, we are pleased with our partnership with the department of education to make this journey possible. Our... read more →