Motorist and Pedestrians are advised of the construction of a Retaining Wall at the corner of Fenton Hill on the Ural Swanston Highway during the period June 1st to 14th July 2017. Lane closure to facilitate the use of heavy equipment and other machinery will impede the flow of traffic. Due Care and Attention are required to maintain personal safety when approaching or traversing this area.
The Nevis Disaster Management Department do sincerely apologize for all inconveniences incurred during the period of construction as we continue our efforts of enhancing safety and building resilience in our communities.
This area is currently unprotected, prone to rock fall and soil slippage that pose serious threat to lives of motorist and pedestrians traversing the highway. Falling rocks accelerate in speed, can damage or destroy vehicles, lead to accidents, interrupt traffic flow, block drainage and even damage the roadway.
Rockfalls occur when a single rock or group of rocks become detached from the cliff face and fall. These can be triggered by vibrations from heavy equipment and environmental factors that include rain, temperature variations, wind, and channeled runoff that wash away supporting material.