The CariCOF Climate Outlooks for April to June are now available. These include:
- Temperature Outlook Maps
- Precipitation Outlook Maps
- Drought Outlook
- Wet Days & Wet Spells Outlook
- Dry Spells Outlook and
- The Caribbean Climate Outlook Newsletter
Summary for the upcoming 3-month period, April to June 2022: “A persistent weak La Nina pattern is expected to continue during the upcoming season, which may drive increasing uncertainty into the seasonal rainfall forecast. This uncertainty points the AMJ rainfall and wet day forecast towards climatology across most of the region (equal chances for above normal, normal, and below normal probabilities). However, a small increase in wet spell frequency is expected for the eastern Caribbean which could lead to marginal flash flood and soil erosion potential there from May. Extreme wet spells for the region are expected along coastal Guyana, but are not expected to feature prominently for other locations during the upcoming season.”